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Significados de issue a citation em inglês
Ainda não temos significados para "issue a citation".
Uso de issue a citation em inglês
By law, the FCC must first issueacitation before proposing a forfeiture, it said.
Even a traffic cop refuses to issueacitation in sympathy for the poor man.
Watch as North Carolina cops issueacitation for the crime of playing his speeches on your own property.
But when a state trooper approached Wright to issueacitation for driving without a licence the teenager fled, the police said on Thursday.
But when a state trooper approached Wright to issueacitation for driving without a license the teenager fled, the police said on Thursday.
The city issuedacitation for unauthorized use, and there was a slightly embarrassing story in the newspaper.
Police have not issuedacitation.
The Emperor, accordingly, on March 6, issuedacitation to Luther, summoning him to Worms, to give 'information concerning his doctrines and books.'
NPS questioned the climbers and issuedacitation-andrightfully so: Their selfish actions had caused undue stress to the birds, leading to the animal's death.