In our own time the Madonna di Custonaci reigns upon the Mountain, and is Protectress of the whole comune.
Over this figure is written "Il Comune Pelato."
We climbed the tower of the Palazzo del Comune, and stood at the altitude of 2000 feet above the sea.
There in 1483, when their work was finished, they raised two columns which still stand before the Palazzo del Comune.
She and Fo based La Comune in the Palazzina Liberty, an abandoned pavilion that became a magnet for Milan's leftist community.
Uso de italian commune em inglês
The Italiancommunes were the parents of glorious republics.
Frederic died in 1250; and from this year we may date both the disruption of the Empire and the decadence of the free Italiancommune.
The Italiancommunes present, in their sharp vicissitudes of fortune, a spectacle not less dramatic and infinitely more momentous for the general history of Europe.