Ainda não temos significados para "itemize bill".
1Holden cheerfully noted each future repair on his itemized bill for Avasarala.
2She brought him the itemized bill and he almost choked when he saw it.
3The carpenter sends you an itemized bill of the work done by your order.
4When goods are forwarded in this way, the sender furnishes with the goods an itemized bill duly receipted.
5It wasn't an itemized bill.
6But Cohen said Mack must provide itemized bills to show the trust money was used only for her defense and food.
7Following is a copy of the itemized bill, which will be of interest to business men and artisans of other countries:
8And as she looked at an itemized bill for plumbing her left hand strayed to her neck and touched the chain.
9Acting under legal advice, I gave them two hours, no more, to produce those trunks and their contents, also two itemized bills.
10Mrs. Fuller brought in an itemized bill for a crate of broken bones mended in two hundred and thirty-four places-onedollar per fracture.
11The Bibliotaph declared that had he rendered an itemized bill for services in this matter, the largest item would have been for Turkish baths.
12I guess I never read the last part of that parable-the part where the Thrifty Samaritan serves the poor devil with an itemized bill.
13Here's the itemized bill, and if you'll just let me have the check while the girl is typing out the address for you...