Ainda não temos significados para "jealous wife".
1This is talking like a jealous wife instead of a reasonable girl, Annina.
2She screamed like a jealous wife catching an unfaithful husband in the act.
3My draughts have removed many a troublesome husband, and silenced many a jealous wife.
4Mrs. Harry, in the character of a jealous wife or a suspicious sweetheart, might reasonably-
5PROCRIS, beloved but jealous wife of Cephalus
6I just don't want to come off sounding like a jealous wife, even if that's what I am.
7What a position for a poet-penniless ,saddledwith a jealous wife and three children before he was twenty-one
8And the angry expression on her face was that of a jealous wife taking notes for a curtain-lecture!
9The jealous wife was for the time subdued within her, and all the hospitable hostess was in the ascendant.
10I had to explain to him first that a jealous wife is no reason to cover up a murder.
11It was a festival to celebrate their reign together, and the change from jealous wife to victorious queen was immediate.
12The last Duc d'Ossuna had, it is said, a very beautiful, but at the same time a passionate and jealous wife.
13In his hours of freedom, his sensual instincts got the better of him; and his jealous wife had her reasons for complaint.
14But when once a jealous wife gets a freak in her head there's no use in talking of interest or anything else.
15NESSUS, a centaur killed by Hercules, whose jealous wife sent him a robe or shirt steeped in the blood of Nessus, which poisoned him
16For a man to cast his firstborn son and that son's mother into the desert to die because his jealous wife told him to-
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