Ainda não temos significados para "jealous women".
1She got several looks, mostly from jealous women.
3Was it not this thick, reeking liquid with which jealous women had been known to mar the beauty of their rivals?
4She wasn't going to be one of those jealous women who cringed every time her husband went out with the guys.
5SALOME, a celebrated dancer who could fill the largest opera houses in the world with bald heads, opera glasses, and jealous women.
6On the ship Sally-Lou was regarded with disapproval by jealous women passengers, & the writer was cleaned out by a professional gambler.
7"I think you are mistaken, just as other jealous women have--
8(The next course is the fish, and while it is being passed through the hutch we have a glimpse of three jealous women.
9"That's foolish," said Milsom, "the convict establishments of England are filled with men who said 'Bah' when they were warned against jealous women.
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