Fruit-flavored dessert (trade mark Jell-O) made from a commercially prepared gelatin powder.
Examples for "Jell-O"
Examples for "Jell-O"
1And you and I are going to do Jell-O shots every night.
2He'll fling pockmarked Jell-O at you and then call it an accident.
3Just as Jell-O prevents picnic lunch predictability, with the many artificially-flavored variations.
4They had brought her Jell-O and a bowl of very thin soup.
5Emma grabbed a tiny cup of red Jell-O and slurped it carelessly.
1A jello made of basil and chlorophyll would be the green course.
2On top of that, the jello would probably break in half too.
3Rochelle was laughing silently, her considerable bosom shaking like dark brown jello.
4My arms were jello and my throat hurts, but man, that's awesome.
5Most of our meals consisted of boiled ham, Pancakes and jello.
6The other night I saw a kid eat jello out of his hands.
7The fruit is the uranium and the jello is the dispersion matrix, says Kuperman.
8Ah King, the cook, makes a cake and a large quantity of jello pudding.
9Hoping to get the jello, ice cream and pop.
10It's like a big blob of jello this big.
11So imagine you had a jello cake.
12Then there are things like dessert ramen made of like a blue jello and melted shaved ice.
13The engineers have figured out a way to hide them from an immune attack using a jello-like substance.
14So many people, they hit the bottom of the ramp, and their legs completely just turn to jello.
15Mount Everest was shaking like jello.
16To the naked eye, the skin-lessthan fifth of a millimeter thick-lookslike thin circles of clear jello.