Examples for "person"
Examples for "person"
1This issue can affect any young person, especially young athletes of today.
2The law says I can order one person exiled every year, right?
3I think this is the second time this year, one person said.
4Know how many litres of water you use per person per day.
5State media said a third person from the case was also pardoned.
1Of course it's possible someone thought you were a risk; it happens.
2A common definition is someone using a business to solve social problems.
3OPINION IMAGINE this: You lease your house to someone for five years.
4Photo: supplied Where to go for help: Need to talk to someone?
5After a few minutes of us scrubbing, someone said, You need water.
1In fact, biologists tend to use the terms 'organism' and 'individual' interchangeably.
2Case managers were asked questions about their management of each individual case.
3A Home Office spokesperson said: We do not comment on individual cases.
4Power Age communities have grown far beyond the check of individual experience.
5This intellectual view of society inevitably extended far beyond any individual experience.
1Outside somebody called, 'Mr Dexter, Mr Dexter.' Then a new sound started.
2It's perfectly logical; you talk like somebody living a thousand years ago.
3Lisbeth would have no problem using violence against somebody who deserved it.
4But a few minutes with somebody one worships mean a great deal.
5No; let her be with him; let somebody be with him now.
1The Russian civil war is dragging its mortal tail through eastern Europe.
2The years of decay had left him vulnerable and far too mortal.
3The murderer and the victim in mortal combat over the tin box.
4That Socrates is mortal, of course, by applying the rule to Socrates.
5At last he gasped forth in the hoarse whisper of mortal terror:
1Of the Judaic traits in Jesus, conspicuous was the prophetic feeling and tone.
2The Gentile and Judaic dissensions shook the very foundations of the Apostolic Church.
3More and more, Judaic ritual has fallen into disregard since the French Revolution.
4The development of kavvanah is a central theme of the Judaic mystical tradition.
5All over Syria there are French clerical, secular, and Judaic schools.
6The more closely I keep Judaic tradition, the more they hold me in contempt.
7The Judaic mystical tradition is unique in representing a complex philosophy entirely in symbolic form.
8Nonviolence as it grows from Judaic-Christian traditions seeks a social order of justice permeated by love.
9A centre for Judaic and Near Eastern studies is to be established at Trinity College Dublin.
10Like so? said the Judaic individual, taking the shilling and crushing it between his rear molars.
11In Judaic tradition the psalms have magical uses.
12Was he, or was he not, as these critics affirm, a Judaic Christian of strongly Ebionite tendencies?
13America is the true Judaic Zion.
14We think the peculiar cast of the Judaic faith would hardly embody itself in such a mode of expression.
15They asserted that in defiance of Pope Julius III, Michelangelo...changed the original Christian design to an overwhelmingly Judaic subject.
16We find this notion in the Judaic tradition through the classical Rabbinical term for mental concentration, kavvanah which is intentionality.