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She was an older woman, and had learnt the injudiciousness of impulsive behaviour.
I was redeployed to Chief Whip position after I revolted against collective leadership injudiciousness.
Usage of judiciousness in inglês
I left a number along with a generous tip for your judiciousness.
Dobzhansky covered his review in a patina of judiciousness, even of approbation.
Yet it never for one instant warped her firmness or judiciousness of control.
We were compelled to wait and inquire with due judiciousness.
With breadth, power of synthesis, and real judiciousness, he traced the course of the Reformation.
He listened to my details with seeming attention, and commented on them with some judiciousness.
It was a large black cat, washing her paws and regarding him with a stony judiciousness.
Hurd's prose has the equipoise of the moderate Anglican - a type of judiciousness that has almost disappeared from intellectual life.
Christopher Hitchens, Slate The film should make the media blush for its torpor and fake judiciousness and embedment with the administration.
He meant well, of that there is no doubt, but as to his judiciousness in the matter, that is another affair altogether.
The addiction to risk-withits brain chemistry rewards-never goes away but can be balanced and put in its corner through mastery and judiciousness.
But we, who look on, may sometimes doubt whether they WERE pearls thus ineffectually thrown; and always doubt the judiciousness of strewing pearls before swine.
We have already said that Prudence or Judiciousness is good counsel on human interests, with a view to action.
There is too the faculty of Judiciousness, and also its absence, in virtue of which we call men Judicious or the contrary.
It is, in substance, choosing right means to a good end; the end being determined by the great faculty-Prudenceor Judiciousness (IX.).
I left a number along with a generous tip for your judiciousness.