Young person with criminal background.
1Also a juvenile offender; also numerous stretches as a guest of various states.
2The boy's name could not be made public because he was a juvenile offender.
3Hosseini says only one or two out of 100 see the victim's family pardoning the juvenile offender.
4A police statement later on Friday said a 16-year-old boy was charged as a juvenile offender with her murder.
5There was a small item about a police officer suspected of the use of excessive force against a juvenile offender.
6A juvenile offender who went on the rampage in Beaumont Hospital on Friday night was back in detention on Saturday.
7According to Human Rights Watch, Iran executed at least one juvenile offender in 2010, and five in 2009.
8The annual cost of keeping each juvenile offender in Oberstown Boys' Centre has reached €250,000 a year.
9Jailed with hardened adult criminals, he argued, the juvenile offender was likely to learn nothing in prison but how to become a professional criminal.
10A £1 million programme for juvenile offenders was provided in the Budget.
11The move forms part of a new Government crackdown on juvenile offenders.
12A place of detention for juvenile offenders.' His voice becomes formal, sarcastic.
13Iran doesn't deny it executes juvenile offenders but often disagrees with numbers reported.
14Corey fell under scrutiny for that decision, particularly from advocates of juvenile offenders.
15It caters to juvenile offenders up to the age of seventeen.
16Sarkozy, then interior minister, vowed to get tough on juvenile offenders.
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