Imperial title of Turco-Mongol societies.
Examples for "khagan"
Examples for "khagan"
1We could not get beyond Khagan.
2A trip to Khagan-TheVale of Kashmir-Withthe Horse Artillery-Myfirst visit to Simla-Life at Peshawar-A staff appointment-The bump of locality
1Suddenly an army of five hundred thousand Asiatics returned, led by Batui, nephew of the Great Khan of Khans.
1Thibet was at this time under the dominion of the great khan.
2This is one of the twelve great provinces belonging to the great khan.
3Sen Tu respected the great khan, but he loved Jochi as a son.
4This country has its own king, who is tributary to the great khan.
5Those who had come in with Jelme were pleased to honour the great khan.
Translations for kha khan