His father was killed in a rebel kidnappingattempt in the 1980s.
I'm beginning to think that the so-called murder was just a botched kidnappingattempt.
He wasn't positive, but he suspected this was a kidnappingattempt rather than an assassination under way.
The FARC, which killed Uribe's father in a 1983 kidnappingattempt, issued no immediate response to the announcement.
The man's call foiled a kidnappingattempt by a group of Head Hunters, known as the Ghost Unit.
Gunmen shot and seriously wounded Al Arabiya's senior correspondent in Iraq during an apparent kidnappingattempt in Baghdad today.
She moved to the US after her older brother Rafael was murdered in 1998 during a botched kidnappingattempt.
Uribe has based his career on defeating the FARC rebels who killed his father in a kidnappingattempt in the 1980s.
One diplomat is being held hostage by suspected Sunni militants and another was killed this year when he resisted a kidnappingattempt.
Departing President Uribe has based his political career on fighting the leftist rebels who killed his father in a botched kidnappingattempt decades ago.
Armed men stabbed a Japanese diplomat in the Yemeni capital Sanaa today when he resisted a kidnappingattempt near his house, a security source said.
Uribe, whose father was killed in a 1983 FARC kidnappingattempt, is seen as a hero by many for his U.S.-backed crackdown on the rebels.
The Colombian leader was elected in 2002 on promises of smashing the FARC, which killed his father in a botched 1983 kidnappingattempt.
The bespectacled president, whose father was killed in a 1983 FARC kidnappingattempt, has made crushing the 44-year-old insurgency the cornerstone of his government.
WATCH: Kidnappingattempt of a child thwarted - thanks to a member of the public acting fast.
"He was killed trying to prevent a kidnappingattempt on Sylvia Nordquist and her daughter."