Ainda não temos significados para "kindle again".
1Her senses had kindled for him once, why shouldn't they kindle again?
2Fire may kindle again and the resurrected die, but the great personality survives.
3Twenty times I saw it die down and kindle again.
4Crush yourself together so that not another drop of that blood may escape which would kindle again the congealing life in my veins!
5Let the central fire be kindled again, and the light will reach afar.
6For the candle of life, which was extinguished now, would be kindled again hereafter.
7A glow of desire kindled again his soul and fired and fulfilled all his body.
8All his anger kindled again and quickened into hatred.
9Her eyes, now kindling again as she recovered from her recent fears, sought Fortunio's shifty glance.
10The quenched hopes kindled again in him.
11At the sight, her eyes kindled again.
12And then suddenly his own sense of humour was kindled again, and he uttered his boyish laugh.
13I'm one of the younger ones, from the third wife, and our new mama is kindling again.
14At this rebuke Georgina suddenly kindled again; she was, indeed, as Mrs. Portico had said, a queer mixture.
15The ashes were raked carefully round the coals, which, when Tom waked in the morning, were easily kindled again.
16At first Desmond thought it was a window, but presently the light went out, kindled again and once more vanished.
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