Everything available; usually preceded by `the'
Examples for "works"
Examples for "works"
1The real question, however, is whether a given herbal product actually works.
2According to Boucher, Competition is good for consumers, and competition clearly works.
3It is to form a technical basis for future coastal protection works.
4I don't think that works well in the market economy, Buffett said.
5In reality, however, it works by the application of sufficiently advanced technology.
1This is so important that its full treatment demands an entire chapter.
2AT boarding-school, the nuns gave St Patrick's Day the full treatment.
3But our limits forbid any thing like a full treatment of the subject.
4The subject of aura seminalis finds a pretty full treatment there.
5For some, particularly those headed to the destination parks, they want the full treatment.
1The whole shebang would probably be over before Tim even got there.
2After the dicker we can make him a present of the whole shebang.
3FF sources say the whole shebang would have to be cancelled.
4The whole shebang was standardized, so multiple manufacturers could produce the same vehicle.
5And she's greeting and upstaging as if she paid for the whole shebang.
1So she wants us to turn over the whole kit and caboodle.
2I carried the whole kit and caboodle out to the car.
3And no more schnapps, mind, until we're clear of the whole kit and caboodle.
4I'd like to say I love you and the whole kit and caboodle, but my wife won't let me.
5Believe you me, I'd die for more, but we used up the whole kit and caboodle on you, dearie.
1Then one of the chiefs will make a speech in which he presents you with the whole kit and boodle.
2Gettysburg sat down, adding: "Why can't you wait, Van, wait till the whole kit and boodle of us can move to the bran'-new claim?"
3"Why not kidnap the whole kit and boodle of them?"
1Then one of the chiefs will make a speech in which he presents you with the whole kit and boodle.
2Gettysburg sat down, adding: "Why can't you wait, Van, wait till the whole kit and boodle of us can move to the bran'-new claim?"
3"Why not kidnap the whole kit and boodle of them?"
1So she wants us to turn over the whole kit and caboodle.
2He'll beat the whole kit and tuck of 'em afore he's through.
3You're full of infernal pride and presumption, the whole kit of you!
4Why, not one single thing in the whole kit of it.
5The whole kit-n-caboodle should be available in March, ready for wussy, winter-shy cyclists.
1I'll have the whole caboodle pushed over for you by to-morrow night.
2I say, boys, let's cut and run, the whole caboodle of us.
3To-night the whole caboodle of you will be in jail.
4How much is the whole caboodle going to cost you?
5Right there not a half mile away, the whole caboodle-gone
1He's so grief-stricken that he ditches the whole works and simply disappears.
2He seemed to regard us as, so to say, the whole works.
3Merely this, that he himself published no edition of his whole works.
4He is now labeled a sex offender, a pedophile, the whole works.
5He pinched the splice lug and taped the whole works feverishly.
1So she wants us to turn over the whole kit and caboodle.
2I carried the whole kit and caboodle out to the car.
3And no more schnapps, mind, until we're clear of the whole kit and caboodle.
4I'd like to say I love you and the whole kit and caboodle, but my wife won't let me.
5Believe you me, I'd die for more, but we used up the whole kit and caboodle on you, dearie.
6Why, I wouldn't give a snap of my fingers fer the whole kit and caboodle of ye, you low-down, sneakin' parcel o' thieves.
7All he's able to do is hack it out using the toe of his club, holding the whole kit and caboodle the wrong way round.
8Kit and CaboodlePrepare your gear kit and car buffet the night before.
Translations for kit and caboodle