Ainda não temos significados para "kneel in prayer".
1It leaves no space for us to kneel in prayer.
2I don't know how long I kneel in prayer.
3And I am waiting for the dead souls to kneel in prayer before the altar.
4He took the news quietly and asked if she wanted to kneel in prayer and she said yes.
5The mortgagees, as they kneel in prayer in their long frock-coats, feel that they have built upon a rock.
6Here, in this place, is where King Solomon used to kneel in prayer, and where God appeared to him.
7If he goes up the Mount of Olives to kneel in prayer, he is about to build an oil-mill up there.
8She leans back on the richly embroidered pillows and scans the bowed heads of her ladies as they kneel in prayer.
9When the hymn was ended another preacher arose and opened the service with a few remarks, then asked all to kneel in prayer.
10The three male priests and the female Pax officer kneel in prayer as the last scuffling and coughing dies in the vast space.
11But sometimes when my adopted father was away with the Boxers on their raids, I would shut the door tight and kneel in prayer.
12Instead of forcing a confrontation, King led the procession of 1,500 to kneel in prayer and then turn back.
13They continued their employments in silence, and soon each was kneeling in prayer.
14General O'Toole was very close to the fire, kneeling in prayer beside it.
15About 70 people were kneeling in prayer as Tarrant burst through the door.
16Some of them were standing; others were kneeling in prayer.
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Kneel in prayer ao longo do tempo