Ainda não temos significados para "knew peace".
1And it knew peace within its borders for more than two thousand years.
2Cornelia feared to have him near her, and knew peace neither day nor night.
3My poor sister never knew peace of conscience again, Master.
4Thus neither bride nor bridegroom, on this their wedding night, knew peace or rest.
5At first he dreamed of the things he had longed for, and he knew peace.
6He never knew peace, and the rest for which he sighed slipped him at the very last.
7Bonbright knew peace, too.
8No one living had been alive the last time humanity knew peace, before the Syndics attacked the Alliance a century ago.
9It sent a king at last of the Scotch blood to England, and a new dynasty; and it never knew peace or quiet after.
10If Cesare's government was so good that Romagna knew peace at last and was rid of her vampires, why did cities tremble before him?
11From the first memory, they knew Peace, Beauty, Order, Safety, Love, Wisdom, Justice, Patience, and Plenty.
12There will be lots of days for getting acquainted here, and besides, I knew Peace would carry off the prize-
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