Ainda não temos significados para "know that language".
1To know that language you have to know the religion that comes with initiation.
2I learned it from watching sleek, Madison Avenuey young marrieds-youknow that language, baby?
3I know that language well, of course, but it is not my mother tongue.
4If a man doesn't know that language he can't express himself on strenuous occasions.
5They used to say that character was destiny, but now they know that language is.
6Do you know that language is born of human experience, and is a physical science?
7Nature has chosen to speak in a certain language; we must get to know that language.
8Do you know that language, M. le Juge?
9It will be used in court proceedings, and no person will be eligible for Government service who does not know that language.
10The old male was speaking lyrinx, and though Tiaan did not know that language, it was clear that he was unhappy about something.
11He repeated the soft insinuation in Armenian, and then in Turkish because he knows that language best.
12He learned Gaelic that he might be able to read the Bible to his mother, who knew that language best.
13But your old teacher might not have known that Language Prime can be used to change a living creature's body and mind.
14"And we already know that language lessons are involved."
15"I know that language," confided Stacy to Tad.
16"It is tiresome," Flavia said, addressing Sempronius, "that I do not know that language; but Julia has been taught it.
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