Ainda não temos significados para "known over".
1Tillerson had known over the weekend that yet another battle was brewing.
2This was true of a lot of cops Conover had known over the years.
3Faces swam before me-peopleI had known over the centuries-friends ,enemies ,wives ,lovers ,relatives
4This extraordinary fact, O best of the Kurus, soon became widely known over the world.
5She was as well known over here as your own Audie Murphy in the States.
6WINSLOW, Mrs., known over the world as the lady who soothes the baby's little tummie.
7Reckon you needn't expect to be known over here.
8It was known over Warbeach, that Robert lay in danger, and believed that he was dying.
9He will have an elder brother who will become known over all the world as Vala.
10Indeed, they are known over the three worlds.
11And yet she was known over the whole wide, wild country as "Hudson's Queen."
12Jacobs Cream Crackers and the brightly coloured Jacobs Biscuit tins were known over much of the globe.
13He's known over all this Western country.
14Moonfleet peal was known over half the county, and the finest part of it was the clock bell.
15It is pretty well known over here that I had threatened to kill Tapilow wherever I met him.
16The silence that enveloped them was like many of the silences they had known over the past week.
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Known over ao longo do tempo
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