A small metal weapon; worn over the knuckles on the back of the hand.
1Oh, Hobbs, I wish we could arrange it for bare knucks!
2I didn't find no knucks on him, and you didn't.
3The win came after Maryse slipped Miz some brass knucks which he used to knock out Bryan.
4He didn't have no knucks, boys-thathard-hoofedgranger just naturally tore into the Dutchman with his bare hands.
5Take them knucks away from him!
6Next they got their marbles and played "knucks" and "ringtaw" and "keeps" till that amusement grew stale.
7But it was the high crime of the code to slug him with brass or steel knuckles, commonly called knucks.
8The fight began when Jerry Durand and his friend rushed me-andit ended when Jerry landed on me with brass knucks.
9And as for the pummeling I got afterward with the knucks-thatwas my own lookout-therailroad company is not to blame for that.
10Knucks, he thought, the cur!
12"One-ear" Mike relied upon a pair of brass knucks-anheirloom in the family.
13Plug of Tobacco, a Deck of Playing Cards, a Copy of "Old Sleuth" and a Pair of Brass Knucks.
14In this game, one boy, called "Knucks," takes a small marble between his knuckles, then places the clenched hand on the ground.
15He was keen-eyed, insolent, idle, and, by a small experience in Houston street, would have been qualified for a first-class "knuck."
16Oh, Hobbs, I wish we could arrange it for bare knucks!