The sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina.
The central religious text of Islam.
1Many of them are commentaries on the koran, and others romances or heroic tales.
2Mr Eusoff said there was no justification for violence in the Koran.
3In the towns the Koran is most visible, in the country Herodotus.
4Sir George Grey Special Collections Bottom right: The cover of the Koran.
5Such is the religion of the Koran both in Asia and Africa.
6The passage in the Koran relating to the affair is as follows:-
7He had a lot to learn about what the Koran really said.
8He underwent daily weapons and combat training, and teachings from the Koran.
9Muslim theology: the attempt to interpret the Koran in a rational way.
10This is a speculation found in medieval theology, and in the Koran.
11You hear people all the time talking about what the Koran says.
12The official North Koran newsagency reported that Mr Kim visited an airbase.
13The attacks were triggered by reports of the desecration of the Koran.
14About the Koran or the Zendavesta it is hardly necessary to speak.
15But thou hast certainly received the Koran from the Wise, the Knowing.
16Muslims are given a prayer mat and a copy of the Koran.