The unit of measurement for the proportion of gold in an alloy; 18-karat gold is 75% gold; 24-karat gold is pure gold.
Glider wing kit for armored vehicles.
Examples for "carat"
Examples for "carat"
1There wasn't much call for six-carat diamond necklaces at the AIDS clinic.
2Not just a nine-carat chain with a fob on it, you know?
3Gem Diamonds announces new 442-carat diamond find at Letšeng mine in Lesotho.
4From him he ascertained the present market value of twenty-four carat gold.
5The diamond studs and her eight-carat engagement ring were her prize possessions.
1Here you see it in 24 karat gold, platinum, and steel.
2Look, even your church encourages you to buy the twenty-four-karat-gold cross.
3The 18-karat ring, bearing the presidential seal and engraved with J.B.K.
4And this isn't even including the band, karat and cut yet.
5Blood would look deliciously tasty flowing from those eighteen-karat snake fangs.
1Kaz continues to expect annual copper output of about 300 kt.
2Meta-analysis of the data was conducted to estimate kg and kt.
3Gale force SW wind of 35kt is expected between Port Elizabeth and Port Alfred early morning.
4Using the estimated values of kg and kt, the data were corrected to allow for body tissue changes.
5The feasibility of quantitative perfusion analysis was then assessed using high-resolution, 3 T kt perfusion and voxel-wise Fermi deconvolution.
6A 50kt device would be about three times the size of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.
7A 50kt device would be about three times the size of the bomb that struck Hiroshima in 1945.
8The government estimated that its 313,000 abandoned wells emitted 10.1 kt of methane in 2018, far less than in the United States.
9Survival benefit was defined as absolute reduction in mortality risk with KT.
10Deceased donor KT and acute rejection were independent risk factors for hospitalization.
11The iPhone was previously carried exclusively by smaller rival KT Corp 030200.KS.
12We first produced KT fused to a signal sequence for periplasm targeting.
13A spokeswoman for KT Chairman Hwang Chang-kyu could not be immediately reached.
14Totally four microdeletions were identified by Prenatal BoBs but not by KT.
15Besides, KT could substantially elevate the concentration of NO in the serum.
16Koa, load all bombs but one ten KT on the landing boat.