A Jewish Romance language spoken in Israel and Turkey, developed from Spanish.
A person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)
Examples for "mestizo"
Examples for "mestizo"
1The author derives his information from a mestizo and a full-blooded native.
2These are the contemporary, globalized, mestizo discussions that hang over the book.
3Mongrel State are mongrel or mestizo by nature and by name.
4An old mestizo who offered us some goat's milk had a beautiful daughter.
5John Dog didn't bother to flash his wild mestizo, switchblade eyes.
1The ladino was separated from the bunch of Circle Diamond cattle.
2System 2 lambs were born in January and February and grazed pure stands of alfalfa or ladino clover after weaning.
3A dozen can understand it or would know some Ladino romances and proverbs.
4Juanito gave a joyful whoop and said something in Ladino.
5You didn't have to know a word of Ladino to get the gist of it.
6Tauber said that only two Sarajevo Jews out of 500-member community can today speak Ladino fluently.
7That's what it would be in Spanish-orLadino.
8Rebekah said something to her in Ladino, sharp, and with a small gasp, the maid scurried off.
9An Italian Jew cursed as she tried to settle, and her fierce Greek bunkmate answered in Ladino.
10Can you write a poem in Ladino?
11In recent months his songs in Ladino and Yiddish had brought tears to the eyes of his homeless comrades.
12As he spoke the padre slipped almost absentmindedly from English to Spanish and occasionally into Cantonese, Ladino, and even Yiddish.
13It did sound like the Ladino Juanito spoke, more than anything else; certainly it sounded nothing like the Hebrew Jamie had been taught in Paris.
14He blinked hard, and she let go with a small "Hmph!" then turned to say something to Rebekah, who replied in quick Ladino.
15"It's the ladino beef that started the stampede on the Brazos-made us more trouble than any ten critters of the bunch."