A flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters.
Examples for "kerosene"
Examples for "kerosene"
1Most still depend on kerosene and wood for their daily energy needs.
2Let the kerosene remain in the trap for at least 5 minutes.
3The project will replace kerosene lamps with light emitting diode lighting technology.
4There is a smell of kerosene oil and onions in the air.
5Without kerosene, the men couldn't cook food or melt ice to drink.
1The 29th attackers had sewn on to their backs triangles cut out of kerosine tins.
1Finally they poured coal oil on him and burned him to death.
2A young man was counting eggs back near the coal oil can.
3I'd farm day and night if it didn't take so much coal oil.
4And we piled brush on top and poured coal oil on.
5Burns like coal oil, and you can't hardly cut it with a hoe.
1It splashed into the edge of a pool of lamp oil.
2Goods like coffy, lamp oil, and corn meal are stored here.
3It was stifling within, redolent of garlic and lamp oil soot.
4A smell of sickness and lamp oil, of clothing days unwashed.
5The lamp oil was almost gone; the light flickered feebly.
6Loads of stuff is missing -food, lamp oil, her water bottle, purification tablets.
7The smell of greasy cooking blended with the reek of axle and lamp oil.
8The seeds are crushed for lamp oil, and the plant is used for fuel.
9Stratton took a closer look, and saw that they had been doused with lamp oil.
10The lamp oil had been drunk, the wicks cut up for food, the candles eaten.
11The stink of lamp oil spread through the room.
12The oil is much used in Mysore for dressing food, and as a common lamp oil.
13The man had doused it with lamp oil.
14The corridor floor was freshly laid with rushes, and smelled of strewing herbs and lamp oil.
15Our lamp oil... please fetch it down.
16Had my lamp oil run out, I should have bought liquor and tried to burn it instead.
Translations for lamp oil