Ainda não temos significados para "lapped in".
1She seemed to be lapped in a great drowsy ecstasy of bliss.
2I am lapped in the serenity of the last weeks of pregnancy.
3At the back of the house, the Indian retainers were lapped in silence.
4Think of it, a tiny island of nose lapped in an ocean of peace.
5You are lapped in them like uprooted grass; suspect them of a personal grudge.
6This morning he woke in a palace, lapped in the linen of a royal bed.
7The city then is lapped in deepest slumber, And none shall guess our hidden destination.
8Within and without, the house seemed lapped in quiet.
9They were all of them lapped in dusk, veiled with it, featureless because of it.
10Mordieu, here I lie lapped in bed like a baby, while you go forth knight-erranting.
11He breeds the best, drives like a fiend, an' can ride anythin' lapped in hide.'
12I was happy now for all my weakness, for I was lapped in a great peace.
13Upon him, lapped in the waters of grace and forgiveness, be the mercy and favor of God.
14Nobody knows the misery of bein' lapped in luxury in a billet better than me and Jim.
15The house was lapped in absolute quietness.
16Their bodies are lapped in luxury, yet scorn of the soul leaves them a prey to fear.
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