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Significados de large beetle em inglês
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Uso de large beetle em inglês
A largebeetle was trundling busily along one of these pipes.
The Humming-Bird is not larger even with its feathers than a largebeetle.
Even on a largebeetle, no more than about thirty pseudoscorpions can clamber on board.
We spotted a largebeetle scuttling over the pebbles in Castlewellan Forest Park, Co Down.
She looked at me with the mild revulsion you might show to a largebeetle, and turned away.
Black oil beetle My friends and I spotted this largebeetle on the Ballycotton cliffs in Co Cork.
A largebeetle had alighted on the water, and been killed before it had time to fold its wings.
They had almost reached the nearest house when Toto saw a largebeetle crossing the path and barked loudly at it.
Last autumn a largebeetle, a cockchafer I think, flew into my workshop, hit the light and landed upside down on my bench.
Harold toiled on with grunts and contortions, and presently produced in triumph a small grey elephant and a largebeetle with a red stomach.
When it was taken out of the water it stood upright on its legs and crawled a little like a largebeetle, but soon died.
A hornet flies in and settles on my hand, then a largebeetle comes with a buzz and a thud against me, making me start.
Two largebeetles, with immense horns or talons, dragged along small branches loaded with flowers, such as Piccolissima had never seen.
The mot-mots have all hoarse croak-like cries, heard at a great distance in the forest, and feed on largebeetles and other insects.
The fireflies, however, disappeared shortly afterwards, when a number of largebeetles, called elaters, took their place, displaying both red and green lights.
He watched the many largebeetles and fireflies flash their light in the dark of the evening as he sat in front of his shelter.