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Significados de largest mammal em inglês
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Uso de largest mammal em inglês
The forest boasts Europe's tallest trees and largestmammal, the bison.
In its native Africa, the world's third largestmammal on land is considered aggressive and dangerous.
The kangaroo is the largestmammal of Australia.
Scientists have recreated the appearance of the largestmammal yet discovered which lived during the age of the dinosaurs.
Due to the epidemic attributed to Buster Casey, human beings are currently the largestmammal reservoir of the rabies virus.
Technology may have changed over the centuries, but there was still nothing like a harpoon to slaughter the world's largestmammal.
It is 17 feet high; 30 feet long; probably the largestmammal that ever walked the earth.
With seven of the 13 great whale species endangered, the International Whaling Commission has outlawed commercial hunting of the world's largestmammal since 1986.
Today many of Earth's largestmammals are at a heightened risk of extinction.
The scientists also mapped the areas that house the largestmammals on the planet, many of which embark on long-distance migrations.