Crude, offensive, sexual acts and / or communications.
Examples for "lust"
Examples for "lust"
1In youth, lust; in full manhood, strife; and in old age, covetousness.
2Stories of lust abound in the Hebrew Scriptures; Genesis alone has five.
3Had she allowed herself to feel anything but lust these past years?
4He saw the blood-lust flame in the eyes which searched his face.
5This building was home to constant, regular acts of lust and desire.
1For a moment her illusory lasciviousness vanished, and her genuine personality slipped through.
2This were indeed to turn the grace of God into lasciviousness.
3Many fall off from covetousness to pride and lasciviousness: take heed of this.
4Secondly, he warns them of the fearful danger of depravity, pride, and lasciviousness.
5And in how many ways are children destroyed by the lasciviousness of man?
1Today in music history in 1970: Jim Morrison's trial began for "lewd and lascivious behavior" in Miami.
2Mr. Roland had gotten her the scholarship to UNC, but his lascivious behavior had cost Emily her friendship with Chloe.
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Translations for lascivious behavior