Ainda não temos significados para "last magazine".
1Those verses entitled 'Weariness,' in the last magazine, seem to me profoundly touching.
2I have just opened the last magazine for my automatic.
3We have often wondered about that last magazine.
4Our sixth and last magazine had been attached, and we were anxiously waiting for fresh supplies.
5The slide of my pistol locked back and I fumbled for my last magazine and slapped it in.
6Alice Quinn may be the last magazine editor in New York City to receive submissions bound with green yarn.
7The editor meanwhile, without taking his eyes from the man, mentally ran over the contents of the last magazine.
8This portion of Hawthorne's last magazine article recalls forcibly passages in the first of his published stories, "The Gray Champion."
9To Nation we fling this challenge: Last magazine to get approval is a purple monkey.
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