An interjection of parting expressing the desire to see the person again soon.
1And a few laters you published Civil War: Land in Bad Decline.
2They were divided into two lines: not the haves and the have nots, but the have sooners and have laters.
3Laters!' she concluded cheerfully, linked arms with the surprised but pleased shop assistant, and was off.
4I had called BJ up while I was working on the album, after I heard BJ's Pineapple Now-Laters project.
5Laters, he said and bolted.
6"Laters, ladies," said Beverley and, grabbing my arm, urged me away.
7'Laters, mate.' And with this, he twisted on the spot and spiralled out of existence.
8"Laters," said Beverley, and ran for the back door.
9"Laters." And she went skipping up the road.
10"Laters, pets." He flicked out into transit.