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Significados de leak memo em inglês
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Uso de leak memo em inglês
Sophie Richardson, the China director at Human Rights Watch, said the leakedmemo should be used by prosecutors.
He recently got hold of the leakedmemo and said he was shocked about what was in it.
Others, like former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, have denounced Comey for leakingmemos about his discussions with Trump.
A leakedmemo from the Ministry of Health shows it's warning the government off its policy to drug test beneficiaries.
Far from easing up, Berlin is anxious to maintain reform pressure on crisis-hit euro area countries, according to a leakedmemo.
In December, leakedmemos from EPA scientists described the scientific inadequacy of a key Bayer study used to justify clothianidin's approval.
A leakedmemo from the Scottish finance minister, John Swinney, said the running costs of a tax system would be £600m.
At no point did his leakedmemos say if the president was a good or bad thing in moral or philosophic terms.
On Sunday, the Mail on Sunday published a leakedmemo which said Mr Trump abandoned the nuclear deal to spite Mr Obama.
A newly leakedmemo has put a new focus on President Bush's input intomilitary interrogation methods, write Mike Allen and Dana Priest.
The contractor's leakedmemo, published by the Australian Financial Review, was criticised by Australia's Workplace Relations Minister, Bill Shorten, a former union official.
A leakedmemo revealed Amazon executives denigrated Smalls as "not smart or articulate" while coordinating a public response to the firing.
Prisoners could be kept locked up past their release date if deemed a Covid-19 risk, according to new guidelines outlined in a leakedmemo.
He was apparently angered by a leakedmemo from Stephen Hadley, the US national security adviser, to Mr Bush which questioned Mr Maliki's leadership.
Shadow chancellor Ed Balls has hit back over leakedmemos detailing plans to have Gordon Brown succeed Tony Blair as prime minister from 2005.
The leakedmemo from management at Dublin's Beaumont Hospital, indicating a potential €21 million shortfall by the end of the year, is stark.