Ainda não temos significados para "leave in abeyance".
1Happily, the question of who should be bride was left in abeyance.
2The remaining conclusions may be left in abeyance, and without argument.
3Men were for or against the bill-everyother political subject was left in abeyance.
4Now that suggestion had been abandoned, or left in abeyance.
5This point, therefore, seems to have been left in abeyance.
6The land question he hoped would be left in abeyance until his return in the spring.
7Meantime Dr. Ruthven's offer seemed left in abeyance.
8Some I did carry out, as you know; but these, the most needful, I left in abeyance.
9That matter is carefully left in abeyance and the government departments simply told to make the necessary preparations.
10This being left in abeyance, readers can take their choice until the matter is finally settled in another book.