A crime that undermines the offender's government.
Examples for "treason"
Examples for "treason"
1A criminal case has been opened for high treason, the FSB said.
2In every respect, the Underground Rail Road made capital by the treason.
3If you thought any different you were thinking treason, he told Reuters.
4Criticism of the conduct of the Great War was close to treason.
5To attack the king was treason; to dispute the priest was blasphemy.
1A criminal case has been opened for high treason, the FSB said.
2In refusing both points, Mary made herself doubly guilty of high treason.
3Obviously, at least some of your troops are skilled at high treason.
4We have two queens to try for high treason, you may recall.
5A peer cannot be put to the rack, even for high treason.
1His father was what you call an agitator, and his father was in jail for lese majesty-whatyou call speaking the truth about the Emperor.
2In France, before the time of Louis IX, duels were permitted only in cases of Lese Majesty, Rape, Incendiarism, Assassination, and Burglary.
Translations for lese majesty