Ainda não temos significados para "lettres".
1With Lamartine and other cultivators of the belles-lettres she was likewise acquainted.
2Her favourite author in the belles lettres was, of course, Dr. Johnson.
3He intended to devote himself not to law, but to belles lettres.
4The latter was also tutor in rhetoric and professor of belles-lettres and oratory.
5He was fairly launched, this American Farmer, in the society of the lettres.
6The term belles-lettres does not fully express it, for it is too narrow.
7He afterwards became professor royal of the belles lettres at Copenhagen.
8They also sent them thither to study belles lettres and philosophy.
9You would enjoy a course of belles-lettres, and should take that.
10Again, there are documents which belong to the domain of belles-lettres pure and simple.
11His library would have satisfied the ambition of a student of history or belles-lettres.
12For the fine arts, and especially for the belles-lettres, he entertained a profound contempt.
13He never attempted the learned languages, nor manifested any inclination for rhetoric or belles-lettres.
14There are more kinds of literature than classical belles-lettres, and perhaps more important kinds.
15Extrait du Bulletin de L'Academie des inscriptions et belles lettres.
16They had, besides, an academy of belles-lettres, where genius was cultivated, refined, and encouraged.
Lettres ao longo do tempo
Lettres nas variantes da língua