The seventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about September 23 to October 22.
Examples for "pound"
Examples for "pound"
1Semihard; blue; goat; mellow; small; square; a quarter to a half pound.
2The portfolio generated a 17 million pound loss last year, Lloyds said.
3The second problem is the likely boost to an already appreciating pound.
4BNY avoided a 180 million pound fine by settling the case early.
5In Europe, Britain's fourth-quarter growth data looms large for the embattled pound.
1The social network is launching its own digital currency in 2020, called libra.
2When Facebook unveiled libra, it said it intended to create a single global digital currency.
3What they don't know would fill a libra-
4The currency is known as libra.
5The Four Scales for Libra: Emerald Green; Blue; Deep Blue-Green; Pale Green.
6They caught regulators' attention when Facebook unveiled last year its Libra project.
7Some noted Libra could produce benefits for people lacking traditional banking services.
8Clayton's comments come as Libra is facing mounting global pressure from regulators.
9Innovations like Facebook's new global digital currency, Libra, demand a joined-up response.
10Acastus had been elected the delegate from Libra just five months prior.
11But once you have a Libra's heart, you have it for good.
12Investor presentations on that plan included a second-half 2016 Libra test start-up.
13Furthermore, the Libra Association's membership and governance infrastructure are apparently under scrutiny.
14The full moon a few weeks ago was a second-chance call, Libra.
15Facebook hopes to launch the Libra in the first half of 2020.
16Its previous arc, from Libra to Capricorn, has been amid inorganic matter.