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Significados de librarianship em inglês
Profession concerned with acquiring and organising collections of books and related materials in libraries and servicing readers and others with these resources.
I do what I do because... for me, librarianship is a vocation.
Her mother suggested librarianship or secretarial college, but Jamie was set on university.
When the Dublin librarianship fell vacant, he took the job.
Is this the new world order of automated librarianship?
It is that of his successor to the vicarage, the chaplaincy, and the librarianship, at Holkham-Mr.
Poole said he hoped it would help develop policies that would entice a much wider demographic into librarianship.
Second, the overwhelming cheapness of storage will lead to the apotheosis of librarianship - or, rather, of search.
Key topics in librarianship include mental and physical health crisis intervention, pornography access management, child therapy, and naloxone administration.
We would do well to remember the words of Ranganathan, whose basic tenets of good librarianship need just a little updating from
After graduating from college, Gretchen Lundstrom had a successful career in teaching and librarianship, mostly at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
Kerry reader A: There are two courses in librarianship, both at UCD: a higher diploma and a masters in library and information studies.
The poor child knows nothing of this scandal; she even believes that Mr. Grail will take the librarianship as if nothing had happened.
I do what I do because... for me, librarianship is a vocation.
Her mother suggested librarianship or secretarial college, but Jamie was set on university.
When the Dublin librarianship fell vacant, he took the job.
Is this the new world order of automated librarianship?