A plate mounted on the front and back of car and bearing the car's registration number.
Examples for "numberplate"
Examples for "numberplate"
1Descriptions of the car: a black Toyota Landcruiser, though Spelding could remember no numberplate.
2Julia's heart was beating hard when she at last got a glimpse of the numberplate.
3One of the cops stared at David, and frowned at the car, and checked the numberplate.
4As subtle as a brick, the decals on the numberplate might as well have read 'FBI Surveillance'.
5Not only is the dual numberplate system in place, but the brands have been overhauled as well.
1Police said the license plate on Wright's car had been reported stolen.
2You gave the license plate number to Dobbs Ferry PD, too, right?
3He found it quickly, then read the license plate to be sure.
4Write down the license plate number, and that it's a green Taurus.
5No car, no license plate we can use to trace her identity.
6They're getting into a late model blue Camaro, license plate Wonka MF8905.
7Memorising the license plate plays a key role in tracking stolen vehicles.
8I could see the van easily enough but not the license plate.
9A123 Systems manufactures prismatic cells roughly the size of a license plate.
10The rubber testicles hanging under his license plate are the final proof.
11The license plate belongs to a blue 2001 Taurus in Conway, Arkansas.
12We passed a blue Jeep in the driveway, license plate STRMQQ 1.
13Probably was hoping he could pleabargain me into the license plate factory.
14The license plate on Linus Torvalds' Mercedes SLK convertible says it all.
15The screen shows an orange pickup with the license plate blurred out.
16Except that the car, a late-model BMW, had a Georgia license plate.
Translations for license plate