Classical art song in the German tradition.
1Then he sang a few German lieder of a more contemporaneous cast.
2The door was propped open; Schubert lieder played softly on 32.
3An evening of opera, lieder and song linked together with banter and anecdote.
4Here is Schumann the lieder composer, sighing over his beloved Clara.
5However often recorded, these lieder come up fresh each time.
6The first half of her programme comprised lieder, which requires gentle and sensitive delivery.
7He did not feel particularly surprised; she probably sang all of Schubert's lieder beautifully.
8Schwarzkopf has achieved immortality on the basis of her renditions of Schubert and Mozart lieder.
9But I generally prefer the intimacy of lieder myself.
10Other musical excerpts were from Bach, Schubert lieder, Jewish folktunes, and a Nazi rally song.
11In particular, he broached more lieder (German songs), his recordings running into the hundreds.
12Instead, Schumann-Heink sang her lieder for them; McCutcheon talked and cartooned for them; Madame Bloomfield-Zeisler played.
13Deutsche Welle recorded a piano recital and a lieder recital and brings the best from both.
14Schubert had razor-sharp literary instincts and employed the poems of Goethe and Heine in his lieder.
15Illustrious lieder and chamber music recitals manage to fill Wigmore Hall as well as countless venues round the country.
16Besides arias and showtunes, he performs ballads, German lieder, French contemporary songs, cantorial and oratory music with equal facility.