Examples for "gladly"
Examples for "gladly"
1Four months ago she would gladly have given him all she had.
2Talk to me about the truth of religion and I'll listen gladly.
3Disclaimer 2: I would gladly attempt them all someday given the opportunity.
4Two days later saw them leaving Cape Coast, gladly for Laurence's part.
5We will gladly explain the process and get your visa process started.
1Many would fain know, for more men desire power than desire gold.
2He would fain have retired from the field; he spoke to Harley.
3But I would fain try to look my duty in the face.
4One would fain pass over the next pages of the Jesuit records.
5I would fain know in what way I have forfeited your esteem.
1I'd as lief kiss the marble lips of Diana in the park.
2I would as lief go to Bible-class every day of the week.
3I had as lief have the castle drawbridge drop upon my pate.
4As for me, I would as lief remain and fight it out.
5I'd just as lief fight a Maise as a Grey any day.
6I'd as lief read figgers on a tow-boat as to read poetry.
7Why, I'd as lief hear that Satan himself was abroad duffing cattle.
8They'd as lief tell a lie as look at you, over there.
9I'm inclined to think Glen Naspa would as lief go as stay.
10They'd jest as lief shoot a feller they didn't like as not.
11I would as lief be kind to a toad! put in Lucy.
12Maybe it'll come right, and you'll get all as you'd lief have.'
13I'd as lief spend a vacation in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
14Master Jesus, I'd as lief wait; the hills will be naught without thee.
15I'd as lief had a monkey screwing and twisting about in my lap.
16I had as lief be called Cadet-Cassis as Mes-Bottes, any time.
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