Ainda não temos significados para "light a cigaret".
1He was reaching to light a cigaret with his last match when his hands began to tremble.
2The King lit a cigaret and smoked thoughtfully for a while.
3He lighted a cigaret, and getting into bed turned on his reading lamp.
4He lighted a cigaret for Natalie, and standing off, surveyed her.
5She lighted a cigaret from the stand at Natalie's elbow to steady herself.
6She lit a cigaret from the pack on the table.
7Then he got to his feet and lighted a cigaret.
8She lighted a cigaret from the stand beside her and fell to studying his face.
9She gets into the car and lights a cigaret.
10The man lit a cigaret, folded the newspaper in front of him, and continued to read.
11When he faced about again Graham was lighting a cigaret, and Natalie herself was entering the room.
12Myers lighted a cigaret and looked around for an ashtray, then dropped the match behind the couch.
13Clayton saw her appealing glance at Marion, but that young lady was lighting a cigaret, her eyelids lowered.