Measures include modest increases in building density, lightrailtransit schemes and policies to encourage walking and cycling.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest The new Addis Ababa lightrailtransit system is the first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa.
The lightrailtransit's delivery would be accelerated by C$400 million in optional credit financing and pay for advanced infrastructure systems.
Sir, We were pleased to hear the recent announcements concerning the proposed lightrailtransit system, which we have been advocating for many years.
THE Minister for Transport, Mr Lowry, has said he welcomes Dr Garret FitzGerald's criticisms of the proposed Luas lightrailtransit system for Dublin.
But the chamber argues that chaos could result from the imposition of lightrailtransit (LRT) on a city that cannot accommodate it.
The proposal suggests that a lightrailtransit and infrastructure be financed by a mix of development charges, incremental property taxes and increased land value.
President Rodrigo Duterte said on Friday he would review the Manila LightRailTransit contract, the Manila Times reported here on Sunday.