Ainda não temos significados para "likin".
1Once the boys start likin' it they'll want it all the time.
2I didn't want to meet that crowd; they're not to my likin'.
3I'd al'ys a likin' for Dempster an' his wife, spite o' iverything.
4Thencefrom the proceeds from likin will be decreased year by year.
5Hetty, the love of the missionaries isn't the sort of likin' I mean.
6Thar's something uncanny about it, which is not at all to my likin'.
7Me an' that lunkhead Ike, my nephew, hev took a likin' to you.
8I 've sorter t-took a big l-l-likin' to that dancin' girl.
9Doesn't have anything to do with likin' or not likin'.
10Wal, I've a likin' for 'em meself, -hetold us-
11I took a likin' to you for that very reason.
12Nevertheless, likin' is a tender plant, and never thrives long when watered with tears.
13I'm a regular hout and houter ven I takes a likin' to any one.
14So they got ter likin' him an' treatin' 'im better.
15Aye, but that's not a reg'lar callin'; only a likin'!
16These will be quite sufficient to cover the loss caused by the abolition of likin.
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