Ainda não temos significados para "limp painfully".
1As he groped he limped painfully from the soreness of his wound.
2Horses walked with downcast heads, and some of the men limped painfully.
3He came limping painfully up the road from the direction of the river.
4She limped painfully back to the doorway and called down the passage: 'Jack!
5Between the trees I catch sight of the wounded officer limping painfully along.
6I limped painfully down the stairs into the vast central bay.
7The man limped painfully away, across the isthmus, out of sight.
8Duncan McClean walked over, limping painfully, and peered over the precipice.
9It was difficult to do that, however, for Mary, or Molly, limped painfully.
10They had walked many miles, and the boy limped painfully.
11The boy followed him, and the bear shuffled along behind them both, limping painfully.
12He pointed out of the window to two soldiers limping painfully by on sticks.
13He stood up again and limped painfully along the bank.
14He seemed to be afflicted with some form of sciatica, and limped painfully along.
15After breakfast, she limped painfully into her room, and still more painfully dressed herself.
16I thought of the Time Traveller limping painfully upstairs.