Ainda não temos significados para "literalist".
1Oh, it's 'entertaining' in the largest, literalist, dreariest sense of the word.
2And this consideration seems conclusive as against the adequacy of the literalist method.
3Yet it would be wholly an error to suppose him a mere literalist.
4He spoke with a broad Scotch accent and was in every sense a literalist.
5Again, he was not speaking metaphorically: Edwards was a true Western literalist in religious matters.
6The historical literalist, like the scriptural literalist, makes the letter kill the spirit of the truth.
7The result is a hell on earth which only an old testament literalist could consider utopia.
8I thought you were rather a literalist.
9The information always has a literalist slant, of course, but on the whole, the classes are fairly straightforward.
10The discovery of evolution, for example, is inconvenient to those committed to a literalist biblical account of creation.
11I can show you the original email, which doesn't mention this. Again, this is the literalist nitpicker speaking.
12But as a literalist, Dr. Thompson considers it paramount that Moses himself, and only Moses, penned the five books.
13Holly-alwaysthe literalist-says ," Idon'thave any," but she does put a bracing hand on the dashboard.
14Never missed a prayer, built a huge mosque in his village and always preferred the stricter, literalist version of religion.
Literalist ao longo do tempo