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Significados de literate experience em inglês
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Uso de literate experience em inglês
Probably less clear is that the literateexperience is itself changed through such instances.
The literateexperience of language enhanced our cognitive capabilities.
Propagated by means of literacy and within the literateexperience, such languages are accepted primarily as artistic conventions.
England, at the height of its literateexperience, had a highly structured, almost ritualized way of carrying out war.
The literateexperience of the market assumed that the individual was the optimal source of information and the ideal receiver.
The eternity and transcendence of art, notions and expectations associated with the literateexperience, become nostalgic references of a past pragmatics.
It changes our notion of intellectual property, trademark, and copyright, all expressions of a logic firmly attached to the literateexperience.
When they relate to what we write, they are empowered by emotional components that the literateexperience expelled from literate expression.
In addition to these major factors, there is the broader background: Access to knowledge conveyed through literacy implies a shared literateexperience.
With increased sampling as a practical experience of diversification, the human being acquires a very specific freedom not possible within boundaries of the literateexperience.