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Significados de little woodland em inglês
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Uso de little woodland em inglês
It was in a littlewoodland glen, with a streamlet tumbling through it.
She looked wistfully about her-atthe littlewoodland valley and the grey, lonely fallows beyond.
Not a thing moved, except the ice of littlewoodland pools shivering under our feet.
He saw the pool, a tiny littlewoodland pool.
But the town crept out to meet it, and soon but littlewoodland was left around it.
Think of your littlewoodland chalet, and your great old trees in the park,-youcouldn't live without them.
The property in Gosseberga would sell for around 1.5 million-there'sa littlewoodland included.
Such a friendly little drop it is, for soon it tells this littlewoodland dweller of all its travels.
Sun or shadow; the sweet fir-scents breathed upon their faces, mingled with many a waft of perfume from littlewoodland plants.
Now, as you see, we have come to the end of our garden and are going down that littlewoodland path.
He followed it, careless whither he went; and in five minutes found himself in the quaintest littlewoodland cavern he ever had seen.
The man stops and suspects some littlewoodland citizen as the cause of the unexplained movement; thus it is in the affairs of life.
But Maarda's skilful fingers had woven and plaited and colored the daintiest cradle basket in the entire river district for his littlewoodland daughter.
She had just entered the littlewoodland path which led to Farmer Withely's when she saw a glimmer of a red coat in the underbrush.
So he journeyed many days, and at length, one morn, dismounting by a littlewoodland stream, he stood lost in thought, heedless of his surroundings.
The failed strategy of the Trailheaders was the opposite of another neighbor, the meek littleWoodland Colony hidden nearby.