A sexually alluring underage girl.
1You'd never think it, but Lolita has a heart of gold really.
2No Lolita came home-shehad gone with the Chatfields to a movie.
3Lolita made the call for him, but the phone rang without luck.
4And since the secretary was waiting for an answer, he said, Thanks, Lolita.
5The main version of Lolita is often very light colours like… Audio, Gallery
6And another thing: before you head out, ask Lolita for the doctor's information.
7A minute later, Lolita connected him with the mayor of Ciudad Madera's office.
8Pearl confided more to Lolita than she ever did in her fellow beings.
9Does the library contain Lolita and the works of Salman Rushdie?
10Lolita Chakrabarti's play has a towering central performance from Adrian Lester.
11Weidenfeld made his first fortune, and Lolita entered British literary mythology.
12You're telling me somebody has already rewritten Lolita from Dolores's perspective?
13Lolita hopped clumsily on to Pearl's shoulder and tweaked her ear.
14I saw Lolita's eyes, and they seemed to be more calculating than frightened.
15Facebook Twitter Pinterest Lolita the killer whale and a trainer perform.
16Lolita was biting her nails with a look of terror on her face.