Ainda não temos significados para "long exposition".
1On December 9, after a long exposition of the need of a new religious missionary institute for America:
2Fancy what it might have been, this long exposition of sheer Schopenhauerism in three dramas and a fore-play!
3After all, equity and bond prices fell further and volatility intensified as investors absorbed Bernanke's hour- long exposition of the Fed's plans.
4And I know all about you; and I don't know it a bit better after all this long exposition than I did before.
5And there is a long exposition of Cyril on John 15, in which he teaches that Christ is corporeally offered us in the Supper.
6Thus encouraged, I entered into a long exposition, in which all my tradesmen and creditors from my landlord to my valet, figured in turn.
7"You would have seen the same thing in pre-Puritan England," he concluded, at the end of a long exposition.
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