Ainda não temos significados para "looked defiant".
1Crying children clung to their mothers' skirts, but no one looked defiant.
2I just don't know what yet. She looked defiant as she said this.
3Pressed, she looked defiant and proud at the same time.
4For a moment he looked defiant, then shrugged his shoulders.
5Under the influence of reaction he even looked defiant.
6The boy glanced up, not catching her words, but suspicious: then frowned and looked defiant.
7Several of the marines looked defiant and Lee wondered if they would actually disobey orders.
8The Crow looked defiant and stood jauntily; but the Pheasant tried to shrink out of sight.
9He was very pale; his eyes looked defiant; there was a hard fold to his lips.
10But when the wind came he looked defiant.
11Sayedee looked defiant and remained calm in the dock as judges read out the verdict, witnesses said.
12Sayedee looked defiant but remained calm in the dock as judges read out the verdict, witnesses said.
13He was very pale, but looked defiant.
14Priscilla ceased smiling and looked defiant.
15They looked defiant, and appeared to insist on their innocence as long as no evidence was brought up.
16Dirty, ferocious-looking women were scattered through the crowd; some of the men were armed, while all looked defiant and determined.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Looked defiant ao longo do tempo
Looked defiant nas variantes da língua