Ainda não temos significados para "loth to".
1Steel was nothing loth to find himself in the fresh air again.
2Sinti in public positions are still loth to admit to their ethnicity.
3No fear of that.' Lionel was loth to put his playmate down.
4But no one was in sight, and he was loth to move.
5The miners seemed loth to eat, being excited by the gold nuggets.
6Moreover, he was loth to be thus disturbed in his sombre reverie.
7They are loth to leave it, and would ever enter it again.
8And then I very little marvel that they are loth to die.
9I am loth to put you away, but it rests with yourself.
10As a rule men are loth to send their fathers to death.
11Upon my word, I am loth to kill so fair a fool.
12Our adieux paid to Captain Boyton, no one seems loth to land.
13He was loth to allow Lady Merton to enter, but Elizabeth persisted.
14The approach of Christmas finds one loth to leave one's usual haunts.
15Nathanael smiled, so loth to contradict her, or thwart her pretty ways.
16Banish it, or I shall be still more loth to say farewell!
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