Ainda não temos significados para "loud creaking".
1A moment later a loud creaking sound filled the corridor, then silence.
2The unrest outside seemed to increase; a loud creaking sounded from the stairs.
3Then a loud creaking announced that he had got into bed.
4They pulled out with a loud creaking sound, almost a cry of agony.
5There was a loud creaking of heavy leathers as Suzie moved in beside me, her back to the bar, gin bottle in hand.
6I used both the difficultly swinging door and the edge of the aperture itself in my ascent, and managed to avoid any loud creaking.
7And it was this violent rocking that caused the loud creaking of the yards, so often heard by us while below in Annatoo's apartment.
8The door was immediately banged to and locked, and I then heard the heavy bolts of the gates withdrawn and the loud creaking of hinges.
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