Perceived longer ambulance waiting time and language barriers may have contributed for lowutilization.
Women's personal values influence their MSS decisions and account for the lowutilization rates in the province.
The company said it had experienced favorable medical costs, physician engagement and lowutilization trend on an year-to-date basis.
Conclusions: Postmenopausal women with employer-sponsored health insurance had lowutilization of mammography and BMD screening relative to clinical guidelines.
In the investigated prefectures, malaria rates remain high and the low reported incidence likely reflects lowutilization of the public health-care sector.
Cigna's report of a continued lowutilization trend backs up a growing industry view of this closely watched component of insurer profitability.
He said next year's relaunch could go a long way to improving margins and boosting Trollhattan's extremely lowutilization rate of less than 50 percent.
Conclusions: There is lowutilization of SMBG in Chinese adults with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, with approximately two-thirds of patients reporting irregular use of SMBG.
BANAGLORE (Reuters) - Solar company Energy Conversion Devices Inc slumped to its third straight quarterly loss on Tuesday, hurt by weak demand and lowutilization.
This worldwide plan includes 4,800 job cuts that were announced May and will mostly be at factories overseas with lowutilization rates.
A 30% increase in utilization would add up to 2 hours a week, but reduce cost per treatment (by 20% in countries with lowutilization).